Lithoviso stone art:

The soul of stones

Stone Insights: unique pictures of agate, jasper & crystal.

Bild Image Art Gemstone Jasper Edelstein Kunst
A creative cosmos - Jasper

Miracles of creation from the darkness of the earth:

Agat, Jasper & Crystal - the stone treasures of Hunsrück

Stein Kunst Bild aus Jaspis voller bunter Strukturen wie ein Mandala Lithoviso
"Creation" - Explosion of shapes and colours - Jasper

Hello, my name is Sebastian Stoll and I am from Mainz. My great passion are gemstones, minerals and fossils.

Since my childhood I have been going rock hunting. I have always been fascinated by the colors and structures of the stones I find.

In them the creative forces and laws of the cosmos manifest themselves.

 Over many years I have experimented to make their essence, their soul, visible through the inner structures of the found gemstones.

I call these artistic "stone views" Lithoviso.  What I do in the process and why it fascinates me so much, I explain here.

Where noble stones grow

About 290 million years ago, in the Permian period, there was great volcanic activity in the area of today's Hunsrück and parts of Rheinhessen.


Inconceivable amounts of lava poured out of the earth and dramatically changed the landscape at that time.

 The gas bubbles in the lava formed cavities as the rock cooled. These filled with hot water in which silicic acid, minerals and organic seeds of life were dissolved. From their interaction, colorful agate, jasper and crystal were formed in the absolute darkness of the earth. Thus, these cavities became the birthplace of gemstones. To this day, science struggles to explain how the unique structures and forms of these minerals are formed.

Primordial forces in action

To me, these gemstones are marvels of creation. They originate at the boundary between animate and inanimate matter. Although they are not alive and have no metabolism, they grow and form their own intricate structures, shapes and colors. With a magnifying glass, true microcosms can be spied in some stones. I have also always been fascinated by the elemental forces that gave rise to them. These stones have something magical for me.

A time travel and treasure hunt

Stone-hunting in Hunsrück and Rheinhessen is for me a decelerating, sensual excursion into the landscape. At the same time it is a time travel into long past geological ages.

 The knowledge of the geological past combined with the knowledge of today's landscape is like a key. With it, I can track down the places where the treasures of the Hunsrück and Rheinhessen are hidden. Of course, a little intuition and luck of the finder are also part of it.


Stein auf Feld, Edelstein, Achat
Rohstein auf dem Feld




Geschliffener Achat Edelstein Kunst
Der gleiche Stein geschliffen




Bild Kunst Art Edelstein mit Mandala
Lithoviso-Bild aus dem Stein

Reading in the stones

At the end of my excursions, I wash and sift the finds. Next, I select the pieces whose colors and structures seem suitable for my artwork.

However, this suitability can rarely be seen at first glance. A good magnifying glass and patience support me. I try to get a feel for the stone and "read" it to understand its characteristics and idiosyncrasies.

 In the next step, a professional gem cutter then cuts, grinds and polishes the selected pieces for me.

Universal laws of creation come to light

Once the pieces are ready, it's time to pull out the magnifying glass again. Now I dive into the inner worlds of the stones. This is an exciting journey of discovery full of surprises. I digitally record the pieces with the most interesting structures in order to document them down to their finest details.

The microcosms that come to light in the process provide impressive insights into the universal laws and forces of creation that were at work when the stones were formed. They show what - loosely based on Goethe's "Faust" - holds our world together at its innermost core.

Lithoviso - from stone to art


Bild Kunst Art aus Moosachat wie ein Mandala zur Meditation

After the stones have been digitized, the next step follows: On the computer I intensify their colors, play with the structures and shapes, and transform them
mindfully. This is a meditative process that usually takes many hours, days and weeks.

In the process I make the cosmic and creative forces and laws which manifest in the stones visible. During this time I also encounter the unique figures, forms and symbols that I capture and show in my pictures.

Each image is unique, based on the inner world of the particular gemstone.

 A reference to the art historical classification of the images can be found here.



Stone in-sights - The soul of the stones


I invite everyone to take time to look and go on a journey of discovery in my paintings. This is the best way to track down the magical symbols, structures and figures in these - formerly hidden - worlds of wonder.

The pictures in the Lithoviso Gallery give an insight into my efforts to make the soul of the stones visible and to encourage mindfulness in dealing with our creation. I am happy about comments!

Many of my pictures unfold their full expressive power only in larger format. Then the fine details and the for me so fascinating symbols, shapes and figures become fully visible. Who likes, can contact me to get an impression of the pictures in natura.

The pictures and other art objects with the motifs of the stones are available in my store. There you will find


> Pictures

> Blankets

> Steles from acrylic glass


> Cubes from cristal glass

> Greeting cards




                                                                                                       Mainz, February 2021

Photo Sebastian Stoll

More pictures can be found in the gallery.

Please click to enlarge the images.

Gästebuch - Ich freue mich über Kommentare! I am looking forward to comments!

Kommentare: 6
  • #6

    Ingrid Owen-Jones (Donnerstag, 19 August 2021 17:36)

    Wunderbar! Alles was ich bisher gesehen habe gefällt mir sehr. Wie wäre es mit einer Ausstellung in Hampshire?

  • #5

    Sebastian Stoll (Donnerstag, 08 Oktober 2020)

    LIebe Frau Kappis, herzlichen Dank, ich freue mich sehr, dass Ihnen meine Werke gefallen!
    Sie finden mich in Oktober und November bei Messen in Darmstadt und Frankfurt sowie der Ausstellung der Goldschmiede Stellwagen in Idar-Oberstein. Auch Ausstellungen sind wieder geplant. Unter dem Reiter "Ausstellungen" am Anfang der Seite finden Sie die aktuellen Termine. Viele Grüße, Sebastian Stoll

  • #4

    Marianne Kappis (Dienstag, 06 Oktober 2020 14:55)

    Hallo guten Tag, ich habe Ihre tollen Werke in Bad Münster am Stein letztens gesehen und war begeistert von Ihrer Arbeit! Ich muss mich mal schlau machen, wo Sie demnächst noch einmal zu sehen sind. Viel Spaß und viel Erfolg weiterhin wünsche Ich Ihnen von Herzen....Liebe Grüße Marianne Kappis aus Rüdesheim/KH

  • #3

    Dagmar Hipp (Sonntag, 16 Juni 2019 08:26)

    Ganz phantastisch!

  • #2

    Susanne (Dienstag, 28 Mai 2019 16:08)

    Hi Sebastian, eine schöne Website mit ganz tollen Bildern!
    Super gemacht!!!

  • #1

    Elisabeth Stein (Dienstag, 28 Mai 2019 15:47)

    Einfach faszinierend, spannend. Bin total begeistert.